

It’s great to see you! This Quick Start Guide will show you basics on how to get started editing your website.

Customizing colors

This template utilizes the Webflow variables feature, allowing you to effortlessly modify all colors, which will be promptly updated across the site. To adjust a color, navigate to the Variables panel, then choose the color you wish to modify.

Changing fonts

And, If you want to change fonts, you can always go to Site Settings > Fonts. There, you will be able to upload custom fonts, use Google Fonts.

Interactions & Animations

To change the animation, navigate to the navigator panel, select the animation section where we built the animation, and then go to the interactions tab you wish to modify.

Note: Some element design mode has visibility hidden or display none or opacity zero but if you need to modify the design just show the option then you wish to modify.

Template Support

We'll be glad to help you out with your queries. Please contact us at the Webflow  support and we will response shortly